Christmas in Naples is an excellent time to visit the city, famous for its wonderful street of nativity scene makers. Crib expositions in churches and museums will give you the feeling of Italian Christmas. In bars and Café´s you can try typical sweets like Struffoli.

Christmas in Naples: The most wonderful time of the year for Pulcinella (© Francesca Buommino)
You can enjoy Christmas in Naples (Napoli) from December 8 till January 6. These days are traditionally considered as the beginning and the end of the Christmas season.
Traditionally the Neapolitan begin the building of the crib on December 8
The Christmas time starts in December 8, the Festa dell’Immacolata Concezione (feast of the Immaculate Conception and holiday). It ends on 6 January, the Epifania (Epiphany holiday, in informal talk called Befana too) and is the last holiday of the Christmas season: cribs, Christmas tree and Christmas lights are removed.
During these four weeks you can see in Naples, Bay of Naples and Amalfi Coast many events and traditional entertainments, like nativity scenes exposition, processions, Christmas markets, gastronomical events and a big New Year’s Eve firework on Piazza Plebiscito on December 31.
Discover more about the Neapolitan Christmas
The Neapolitan Christmas traditions: cribs and tombola
Delicious Christmas Menu
Enchanting Neapolitan Cribs (nativity scenes)
Via San Gregorio Armeno, the street of the nativity scene makers